
Nagyilak Apartman Gyula


Rooms, services

The guests of Nagyilak Apartman Gyula may stay in three nice, neat rooms in Gyula.

If neccessary, you may leave your car at the parking place of the apartment without paying any extras.

You can also bring your laptop for the holiday, for there is wireless Internet connection (WiFi) available at the apartment.

An exact and detailed list of equipment in the rooms and of the services provided by Nagyilak Apartman Gyula you will find on the information sheet below and on the information sheet of the individual rooms, including any applicable additional fees.


World Clock is located 700 meters, Sausage Museum Gyula 2 km, Sensolite 1.5 km, Komló Restaurant 800 meters, Castle Almásy 1 km, Szanazug public beach 7.1 km, Gyula Castle Theater 700 meters, Gyula Castle 900 meters away.


Your reservation does not include catering at the indicated prices.


When paying your room, you may take the following payment method: cash.

Arrival, opening hours

The earliest arrival time is 12:00, the latest time to leave the rooms is 10:00.

You will be able to speak with the personnel in Hungarian language.


Accommodation type

  • Apartment

Location features

  • WIFI
  • Grilling


  • Cash

Pet friendly

  • Cat

TOP services

  • Parking lot

Room features

  • Balcony


  • No meal

GPS: 46.649288 | 21.277245
Map contact details: By GPS coordinates

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