Rooms, services
Nárcisz Apartman Gyula is welcoming all guests in Gyula with a comfortable room to stay in.
You can browse the Internet via wireless connection (WiFi) available at the apartment. A separate bathroom and toilet are provided to all rooms.
To learn more about the exact range of services of Nárcisz Apartman Gyula (including services for an extra fee) and the exact equipment of the rooms, please check the information sheet below and the information sheet of the respective rooms.
The apartment is located 400 meters from Gyula Castle Theater, 400 meters from Castle Gyulavár, 400 meters from Castle Almásy, 1.8 km from Komló Restaurant, 400 meters from Gyula Castle , 8.2 km from Szanazug public beach , 1.1 km from Great Bamboo Garden gyula, 1.7 km from World Clock , 2.6 km from Sensolite, 3 km from Sausage Museum Gyula.
At the displayed prices your booking does not include catering.
When paying your room, you may choose from the following payment methods: cash, bank transfer, debit/credit card.
Arrival, opening hours
The earliest time to arrive is 13:00, the latest time to leave the rooms is 10:00.
You will be able to speak with the personnel in Hungarian language.