
Gyulai Turisztikai
Nonprofit Kft.

General Terms and Conditions

This agreement is made between Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. (Headquarters: 5700 Gyula, Kossuth Lajos utca 7, Tax Number: 12418507-2-04, Company Registration Number: 04-09-009712), represented by Aliz Komoróczki, Managing Director, hereinafter referred to as the "Operator," and the holder of the Visit Gyula Card system, hereinafter referred to as the "Cardholder," as follows:

I. Status

The contracting parties agree that the system participants are Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. (the TDM organization of Gyula), the Card Issuing Locations (accommodation providers), and the Acceptance Locations (service providers, attractions, points of interest). The participants are separate legal entities but are economically interdependent.

II. Definitions

2.1. The Operator of the system and the associated IT infrastructure is the Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. (the TDM organization of Gyula). The Operator plays a central role in the system and is responsible for its business and technological sustainability. The Operator has all the necessary authority to administer the components of the card system. The data collected within the system may be used as a centralized marketing communication tool, in compliance with relevant legislation and with the permission of the members of the Gyula TDM Organization. However, it is prohibited to send accommodation offers to the database.

2.2. Issuing Location (Card Issuing Location, Activation Point): an accommodation provider that is a member of the Gyulai TDM Organization (as a shareholder of Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. or as a member of the Gyulai Tourism Association). By accepting the terms of these General Terms and Conditions, the Issuing Location agrees to the following responsibilities: • Recommending card registration to their guests booking reservations • Verifying the registration after self-registration by the guest, based on an email notification (to confirm the duration of stay and the number of guests matches the booking details). • Activating the card, which remains active throughout the guest’s stay. The card can only be issued to registered guests staying at the accommodation.

2.3. A Cardholder (Guest, User) is a guest who stays at an Issuing Location for a minimum of one night, requests an electronic card via the website, and holds an active card for the entirety of their stay in Gyula.

2.4. An Acceptance Location (Card Acceptance Location) is a service provider that is a member of the Gyulai TDM Organization (as a shareholder of Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. or as a member of the Gyulai Tourism Association). These locations provide discounted or free (bonus) services to active cardholders. Acceptance Locations can join the system at any time while it is operational, provided that they commit to offering discounts or free (bonus) services to cardholders. The Acceptance Location is responsible for verifying the card’s validity – both in terms of validity period and the number of persons – via the online electronic system (, through a camera-based scan, or by using the card’s identifier.

III. Subject of the Agreement and Scope of Services

3.1. The Cardholder can take advantage of discounts and free (complimentary) services within the validity period of their card by presenting the received QR code on their smart device or in printed form at an Acceptance Location. These services are subject to predetermined conditions (e.g., number of persons, occasions, consumption limits, etc.).

3.2. Information regarding current Issuing Locations, Acceptance Locations, and terms of acceptance is available at or by logging into the system’s personal profile page with the provided login credentials.

3.3. The Visit Gyula Card is provided to the Cardholder by the Issuing Location free of charge.

3.4. The Operator may contact the Cardholder via the provided contact details for voluntary surveys, evaluations, or feedback purposes.

IV. Data Protection, Confidentiality, Protection of Individual Rights

4.1. The parties agree to treat all facts, information, data, administrative interface, and solutions derived from their activities as business secrets. The unauthorized disclosure of such data to a third party constitutes a breach of business confidentiality. This provision also applies to employees of the Operator and the Card Issuer who are connected to the electronic administrative interface.

4.2. The Operator declares registration with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH). It guarantees compliance with the applicable regulations. Registration number: NAIH-74182/2014.

4.3. The data may be used by the Operator and the Issuing Location for statistical data collection and analysis. The data cannot be made accessible to third parties except for the evaluation of aggregated data analysis, in a non-identifiable format.

4.4. If the Cardholder provides their email address or phone number for the Operator’s or the Card Issuer’s direct marketing purposes (e.g., newsletters or notifications), the Operator and the Issuing Location must act in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.

4.5. The Operator guarantees that the aggregated mailing list will only be used to send newsletters containing city program recommendations and tourism information, guest satisfaction surveys, and evaluation requests. It guarantees that accommodation offers will not be sent to the aggregated mailing list.

4.6. The Issuing Location is obligated to respect individual rights and copyright laws during data uploads or any activities performed on the administrative interface. It is directly liable to the claimant for any damages resulting from violations of such rights.

V. Duration of the Agreement and Termination Conditions

5.1. This agreement is valid for an indefinite period. The Cardholder’s data will be deleted from the system upon request.

VI. Communication

6.1. If the Issuing Location has any questions, issues, or suggestions regarding operations or obligations, it is required to communicate them in writing to, or by contacting a representative of Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft. at 06/66-561-681 or 06/30-249-2727.

6.2. The parties agree to maintain close contact with each other.

VII. Amendments and Additions

7.1. Amendments and additions to this agreement can only be made in writing and with the mutual consent of both parties.

7.2. For matters not regulated in this agreement, the relevant provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code (Ptk.) shall apply.

7.3. The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes or legal conflicts arising from this agreement through negotiation. If such negotiations prove unsuccessful, the parties agree to submit the matter to the jurisdiction of the Gyula District Court (Gyulai Járásbíróság).

7.4. The parties accept these terms after review and consideration by submitting their data as specified in the Annex and through their respective declarations.

Date: Gyula, March 1, 2024

Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft.
Aliz Komoróczki
Managing Director

Do you need help?

The staff of the Tourinform office is available Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.
You can contact them by e-mail at or by phone
