By public transit
Bus and train timetables:
Gyula is in the southern part of the Great Plains of Hungary, on the left bank of the White Körös River and situated very close to the Romanian border. The surrounding area is one of the lowest-lying regions of Hungary. It is the second most populated settlement in the county after Békéscsaba, the county seat, which is 16 km to the west. Gyula is bordered by the Romanian counties of Bihor and Arad to the east.
The most important road that takes you to the city is the M44 motorway, which connects Gyula with Budapest. The construction of the M44, which is still underway in some sections, has significantly reduced journey times and made travel between the capital and the region more convenient. It currently takes about 2.5 hours to drive to Gyula from Budapest and this is expected to be even less once the construction work is completed.
From Debrecen, Gyula can be accessed on road 47 after a two-hour drive. From Szeged, you can get to Gyula on road 47, which takes around 1.5 hours by car.
Although the Romanian border is very close to Gyula, it takes about 2 hours to reach Gyula from Timisoara, a Romanian city, and involves crossing the border at Gyula. Times and directions to reach Gyula from other nearby Romanian cities are:1.5 hours from Arad on the E671; and about 2 hours on the E671 from Oradeakes, and involves crossing the border at Méhkerék.
Bus and train timetables:
Debrecen airport:
Timisoara airport:
Gyulai Turisztikai Nonprofit Kft.
+36-66/561-681, +36-66/561-680
5700 Gyula, Kossuth u. 7.
Parking Information
Parking meters in the pay zones provide accurate and up-to-date information about all the public parking zones and hourly rates. Parking tickets can be purchased by cash payment or via cashless mobile payment apps.
Castle Taxi
5700 Gyula, Béke sgt. 9–11.
Transport of up to 6 passengers, driver service, technical assistance, and break-down assistance
Payments by card
Gyula Taxi
5700 Gyula, Béke sgt. 9–11.
Railway station
5700 Gyula, Halácsi u. 2.
Bus terminal
5700 Gyula, Vásárhelyi Pál u. 2.
Pándy Kálmán Hospital of Békés County
5700 Gyula, Semmelweis u. 1.
Dental Clinic
5700 Gyula, Béke Sugárút 43.
Out-of hours (on-call) medical services
5700 Gyula, Béke sgt. 39.
Mon-Fri: 4.00 pm - 8.00 am
Weekends and holidays: available all day and night
Paediatric on-call services
5700 Gyula, Semmelweis utca 1.
Mon-Fri: 4.00 pm - 8.00 am
Weekends and holidays: available all day and night
Baptist Church of Gyula
5700 Gyula, Munkácsy M. u. 11/b
Lutheran Church of Gyula
5700 Gyula, Béke sgt. 29.
Reformed Church of Gyula
5700 Gyula, Petőfi tér 4.
Catholic Church of Gyula
5700 Gyula, Harruckern tér 1.
Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Gyula
5700 Gyula, Szent Miklós park 2.
The staff of the Tourinform office is available Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm.
You can contact them by e-mail at or by phone